Foundation Board

The Foundation is represented by a number of eminent people who fulfil the mission of the Foundation in accordance with the will of the founder. The Foundation Board is free of any political or commercial interests and is regulated solely by the Deed of Foundation. The members of the Foundation Board are co-opted.

Heinz Karrer, President
Chairman of the Investment Committee
Member of the Appropriations Panel

Heinz Karrer is former President of economiesuisse.

Prof. Dr. Lothar Thiele, Vice-President
Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Member of the Appropriations Panel

Lothar Thiele has been a full professor in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zurich since 1994.

Prof. Dr. Ron Appel
Member of the Scientific Committee

Ron Appel is the co-founder and former Executive Director of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Prof. Dr. Crispino Bergamaschi
Member of the Scientific Committee

Crispino Bergamaschi has been President of the Board of Directors at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland since January 2011.

Dr. Bernhard Eschermann
Member of the Investment Committee and of the Scientific Committee
Chairman of the Appropriations Panel

Bernhard Eschermann, after a number of other management positions at ABB, since 2013 is Head of Technology for ABB’s Process Automation Division.

Prof. Dr. Rolf Ingold 
Member of the Scientific Committee

Rolf Ingold is Professor in computer science at the University of Freiburg

Mario Rossi 
Member of the Investment Committee and of the Appropriations Panel

Mario Rossi is former CFO Swisscom

Portrait Florence SchnydrigFlorence Schnydrig
Member of the Investment Committee and of the Appropriations Panel
Florence Schnydrig is a member of the executive committee and responsible for the private banking business at the Cantonal Bank of Zurich
Portrait Dorothea WiesmannDr. Dorothea Wiesmann
Member of the Scientific Committee

Dorothea Wiesmann is Software Engineering Director at Google Switzerland