New job opening: we are looking to strengthen our office – find all details here.
New funding program Hasler Mercator Digitalization & Democracy launched, endowed with CHF 4M, jointly funded by the Hasler Stiftung and the Stiftung Mercator Schweiz. Project drafts can be submitted until March 16, 2025.
As of January, Barbara Eitler joined our management office team. With immediate effect, she is taking over the duties of Luca Kaiser, who is leaving us at the end of January. From February, she will also take over further operational activities.

The Hasler Foundation publishes its Annual Report 2023
From 27.03.2024, the Hasler Foundation will only accept applications via this website. Submission by e-mail is no longer permitted.
The Hasler Foundation will have a new Managing Director starting in August 2024. You can find more details here.
The Hasler Foundation turns 75 in 2023. To celebrate this event, it has published a short story of these 75 years.
After about 40 years, the Federal Council has decided on 28.06.2023 in the context of the total revision of the Matura Recognition Ordinance (MAV) to anchor computer science as a basic subject in the Gymnasium.
Professors Walter Gander and Urs Hochstrasser have described this interesting history in a very informative article.
The Hasler Foundation publishes its annual report 2022.
The Hasler Foundation has again supported a dossier in the magazine Schweizer Monat. The topic is Digital Disinformation.
The Hasler Foundation publishes its annual report 2021.
The foundation board decides to stop the instrument of funding early phase startups. Those that have received funding will continue to be supported.
The Hasler Foundation publishes its annual report 2020.
At its spring meeting, the foundation board elected two new members to the foundation board: Ms. Florence Schnydrig and Dr. Dorothea Wiesmann.
The Ombudsman of the Canton of ZH publishes a guest article by the Managing Director of the Hasler Foundation on the topic of “Die kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren für die erfolgreiche Digitalisierung” in his activity report for 2020.
The Hasler Foundation is proud about the publication of the new book: Versuch, Erfolg, Irrtum. Telekomgeschichte von Hasler zu Ascom. To accompany the publication a film was also produced.
The Hasler Foundation launches a new three year research program on Responsible AI
The Hasler Foundation funded a report (in German) on professions in informatics
The Hasler Foundation publishes its Annual report 2019
The Corona Special Programme of the Hasler Foundation ended on 08.05.2020. A summary in German can be found here.
The on-line newsportal inside-it.ch reports (in German) about the results of the Professorship for Informatics Education at the Teachers College of the FHNW
The Hasler Stiftung makes a press release about the Professorship for Informatics Education at the Teachers College of the FHNW that it had funded 2014-2018
The Hasler Foundation funds a professorship at the pedagogical university of the canton Vaud.
Press release of PH SZ, PH LU and Hochschule LU on the creation of an endowed professorship of the Hasler Foundation for the three universities
The Hasler Foundation has digitized its historical annual reports since 1950 and makes them available on its German website. Please note that the reports are each several MB in size.
The report of the expert group of the federal council on the future of data processing and data security has been published. It contains important arguments why Computational Thinking is one of the key competences to deal with the digital revolution. See pages 158 and following. Report is in German only.
The Hasler Foundation now has an official twitter account @HaslerStiftung. There, in the future, you will learn here about news of the foundation. So become a follower.