Small projects (Requested amount up to CHF 50,000)

Projects whose funding request does not exceed CHF 50,000 and which

  • serve to prepare for an SNF or Innosuisse application, or
  • are a stand-alone small project without a preceding and successor project,

are subject to a simplified application process.

Small projects constituting the continuation of a previously authorised small project will be rejected (no division of standard projects into a succession of small projects). Further, we usually do not fund the continuation of projects previously funded by another organisation such as SNF or Innosuisse.

Submission of proposals

Proposals for small projects can be written in English or in German. For their submission the official form of the Hasler Foundation is mandatory:

Form for Small Projects (PDF)

This form also serves as a guideline on how to prepare the proposal.

Please proceed as follows:

  1. Download the proposal form and fill-in the form.
  2. Save the filled-in form on your computer. Do not click “submit form”.
  3. Prepare the required attachments as PDF documents.
  4. Combine the form and the attachments into a single PDF file.
  5. Register on our application website and complete your profile. Only then can you submit your application. Fill in the required fields and save your details. You can then upload the forms and attachments and submit your application.
  6. By submitting an application, you accept our privacy policy, which can be found on our website.


No deadlines apply to the submission of applications that are not for small projects. The Hasler Foundation will in general reach a decision on small projects within 30 days.