Completed programmes

DICS – Dependable Information and Communication Systems (2002-2006)
Without reliable information and communication systems, the information society of the 21st century would cease to function. 
To contribute to establishing stable information and communication systems, in 2002 the Hasler Foundation set up the DICS support programme. 
The results of the programme, which came to an end in 2006, were published by Springer.

MMI – Man-Machine Interaction (2004-2008)
While the technical capability of information systems is constantly increasing and the areas of application are expanding, their accessibility to users often lags behind. 
That is why the MMI programme concentrated on designing new, user-friendly interfaces between man and machine. 
This support programme was only available to partnership projects involving universities of applied sciences and academic universities, with the universities of applied sciences playing the leading role. The results of the programme were published by Springer.

ManCom – Managing Complexity of Information and Communication Systems (2006-2010)
The ManCom programme further developed the concept behind the DICS programme, with the aim of managing the complexity of information and communication systems in order to be able to increase their security and reliability.

FIT – Fit in Informatik (2006-2015)
In 2006, the Hasler Foundation launched its support programme FIT – Fit in IT, with a ten-year timeframe and an endowment of CHF 20M,  to anchor genuine IT education within schools. On the 21st of April 2015, the Hasler Foundation officially ended this programme in the wake of related decision-making within the Swiss education system. 
You will find more information about FIT on the fact sheet in german or in french and on the website fit-in-it. –> Press release in german or french on the end of FIT.

SmartWorld – Information and Communication Technology for a Better World (2011-2015)
Information technology provides us with an ever increasing miniaturization of computer technology that comes along with increasing computing power, higher cost-efficiency, larger storage and larger communication bandwidth. At the same time, advances in micro- and nanotechnology result in new sensor devices that allow us to integrate information sensing, processing and communication capabilities into almost all real-world objects. Such a combination of sensing, actuating, communication and computing towards a large scale distributed information system have a huge impact on people’s day-to-day lives and bears the potential of improving the quality of life while making efficient use of natural resources.

On the occasion of a Workshop in March, 2013, the supported 12 projects were introduced:

EasyFlow: Pervasive and Reliable Mesh Networks for Efficient Energy Hubs
MEMOR1ES: Reclaim Your Digital Life
Liquid Software Architectures
Databasing the Brain
Green-Mod – Towards reliable stochastic data-driven models applied to the energy saving in buildings
Roboscoop: concurrent robotics framework
Attentive Public Displays
POPWiN: Parallel Object remote Programming for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks over IPv6
Semantically Self-organized distributed Web Search (SODS)
Signal/Collect: Large Scale Graph Processing for Distributed World
Smart-DAYS: Smart Distributed daily living ActivitY-recognition Systeme
Ultralight low-cost clipable vision system for mobility aids

CHS – Cyber Human Systems (2016-2020)
Computing plays an ever increasing role in all aspects of our life. As a consequence, society and information technology continuously interact and influence each other in a complex process. In this context, cyber-human system research investigates the increasingly coupled relationship between humans and computing with the broad goal of advancing human capabilities. Novel models, methods, theories and technological innovations in information technology are developed to increase our understanding of this new class of computing systems and to exploit their large economical and societal potential.
Research in cyber-human systems addresses specifically all aspects close to the interface between humans and information technology. It is concerned with novel computing platforms such as wearable, textile-integrated and mobile devices or even person-embedded sensors and computers. The research also explores systems that interact with users through multiple modalities such as new interaction techniques, computer displays and even brain-machine interfaces. Algorithmic aspects in cyber-human systems concentrate on local data processing in smart devices at the network edge rather than sending all data to the cloud for processing. Finally, research also addresses the consequences of such an augmented life and society where an intelligent infrastructure could influence and impact all aspects of our lives. More details can be found here.